Here is a sample schedule to help you prepare your puppy for success the first few months. You can tweak times to fit your routine and the puppy will acclimate very quickly to your lifestyle.
7:00am Wake up and go out to potty
7:10-7:30am Free time and fun in the puppy proofed area/kitchen
7:30am Breakfast and fresh water
8:00am Go out to potty
8:15-8:45am Free time and fun in the puppy proofed area/kitchen
8:45am Quiet time in crate or x-pen
12:00pm Lunch and fresh water
12:30pm Go out to potty
12:45pm Free time and fun in the puppy proofed area/kitchen
1:15pm Quiet time in crate or x-pen
5:00pm Dinner and fresh water
5:30pm Go out to potty and play outside/walk outside
6:15pm Quiet time in crate or x-pen
8:00pm Water
8:15pm Go out to potty
8:30pm Free time and fun in the puppy proofed area/kitchen
9:00pm Quiet time in crate or x-pen
Your Bedtime Go out to potty and then crate confinement overnight.
Rinse and Repeat.
You will want a puppy proofed area where you aren't needing to supervise your puppy at all times. This area is commonly the kitchen because of tiling making it easier to clean accidents. I do not recommend your puppy to have free run of the home for at least the first 6-9 months of their time in your home. They do not know the boundaries and need to earn trust in small doses. A puppy needs to learn what's appropriate to chew on, eat, and where it is appropriate to go to the bathroom prior to being able to roam freely in your home.